EVM Puzzle 2 solution


2 min read

EVM Puzzle 2 solution

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

This is Part 2 of the “Let’s play EVM Puzzles” series, where I will explain how to solve each puzzle challenge.

EVM Puzzles is a project developed by Franco Victorio (@fvictorio_nan) that a perfect fit if you are in the process of learning how the Ethereum EVM works and you want to apply some of the knowledge you have just acquired.

EVM Puzzle 2

00      34      CALLVALUE
01      38      CODESIZE
02      03      SUB
03      56      JUMP
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      5B      JUMPDEST
07      00      STOP
08      FD      REVERT
09      FD      REVERT

The problem is similar to the [[Puzzle 1]] challenge where we need to find a way to have in the EVM Stack the correct value when the JUMP opcode is executed. We need to have into the stack the value 6 in order to land in a valid JUMPDEST opcode.

Let's review each operation and plan ahead

  • CALLVALUE as we know from the previous challenge will push the msg.value (in wei) to the stack
  • CODESIZE push into the stack the contract's code size in bytes
  • SUB pop two values from the stack, subscract V1 (position 1 in the stack) from V0 (position 0 in the stack), pushing the result of the operation into the stack

This would be the stack before the SUB opcode:

#0V1pushed by CODESIZE
#1V0pushed by CALLVALUE

After SUB the stack would have the value V0-V1 (CODESIZE - CALLVALUE). It's important to remember that the EVM Stack operates as a LIFO (last in, first out) queue.


The contract code is nothing more than the ordered list of Opcodes that will be executed by the EVM. Each opcode is 1 byte so CODESIZE op will push the value 0x0A to the stack (hex conversion of 10 in decimal).

To have 6 as the result of SUB we need CALLVALUE to push the value 4 into the Stack in order to make JUMP the PC jump to the sixth position of our code.

Here's the link to the solution of Puzzle 2 on EVM Codes website to simulate it.