EVM Puzzle 9 solution

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

EVM Puzzle 9 solution


2 min read

This is Part 9 of the “Let’s play EVM Puzzles” series, where I will explain how to solve each puzzle challenge.

EVM Puzzles is a project developed by Franco Victorio (@fvictorio_nan) that a perfect fit if you are in the process of learning how the Ethereum EVM works and you want to apply some of the knowledge you have just acquired.

EVM Puzzle 9

00      36        CALLDATASIZE
01      6003      PUSH1 03
03      10        LT
04      6009      PUSH1 09
06      57        JUMPI
07      FD        REVERT
08      FD        REVERT
09      5B        JUMPDEST
0A      34        CALLVALUE
0B      36        CALLDATASIZE
0C      02        MUL
0D      6008      PUSH1 08
0F      14        EQ
10      6014      PUSH1 14
12      57        JUMPI
13      FD        REVERT
14      5B        JUMPDEST
15      00        STOP

This puzzle is much simpler compared to the previous one. It's just a question to solve some math equations.

Let's see what new opcodes have been introduced:

  • LT: pop 2 values from the stack and push the result of value0 < value1 to the stack. If the result is true, it pushes 1 otherwise 0.
  • CALLVALUE: push to the stack the value of the current call in wei

Block 1: check calldata size

00      36        CALLDATASIZE
01      6003      PUSH1 03
03      10        LT
04      6009      PUSH1 09
06      57        JUMPI
07      FD        REVERT
08      FD        REVERT
09      5B        JUMPDEST

This block check if the size in byte of the calldata is less than 3. If so, it does not follow the JUMPI jump and revert. That's our first requirement. Our calldatasize must be greater or equal of 3.

Block 2: Check the calldata size and value

09      5B        JUMPDEST
0A      34        CALLVALUE
0B      36        CALLDATASIZE
0C      02        MUL
0D      6008      PUSH1 08
0F      14        EQ
10      6014      PUSH1 14
12      57        JUMPI
13      FD        REVERT
14      5B        JUMPDEST
15      00        STOP

The next block of code instead push to the stack the multiplication of calldata size in bytes and calldata value in wei.

If the result is not equal to 8 it will not follow the JUMPI jump and revert. This means that the second requirement is that MUL(calldata_size, calldata_value) must be equal to 8.


There are many possible solutions, we just need to follow these requirements:


For example, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as calldata and 1 wei as value will solve the challenge, but also 0xFFFFFFFF and 2 wei will do it!

Here's the link to the solution of Puzzle 9 on EVM Codes website to simulate it.